Smart Surveillance Application

This example is depicted in Figure 1: Anatomy and was provided by Pedro Silva. The example consists of data producers at the Edge (8 nodes, each one with 40 cameras); gateways at the Fog (4 nodes, each one with a java application to process images); and a Flink Cluster (1 node) and a Kafka Cluster (1 node) at the Cloud. The Flink Cluster is composed of one Job Manager and one Task Manager. The Kafka Cluster consists of a Zookeeper server and a Kafka Broker. Lastly, in a single node we have the metrics collector, an java application to collect metrics such as the end-to-end latency.

In this example you will learn how to:

  • Configure a Flink Cluster and a Kafka Cluster.

  • Deploy 4 gateways and 320 data producers and interconnect them in round-robin.

  • Define network constraints (delay, loss, and bandwidth) between the Edge, Fog, and Cloud infrastructures.

  • Manage and run Flink Job, Kafka broker, gateways, and data producers.

  • Check end-to-end execution.


Figure 1: Anatomy

Experiment Artifacts

Following the instructions below you can get access to the experiments artifacts required to run this application. These artifacts refers to applications, libraries, dataset, and configuration files.

# G5K frontend
$ ssh
$ tmux
$ cd git/
$ git clone
$ cd cctv/
$ ls
artifacts/          # contains dataset/, libs/, libs-opencv/, and Flink job
cluster-2020/       # contains the code used to generate the charts
getting_started/    # contains layers_services.yaml, network.yaml, and workflow.yaml

Defining the Experimental Environment

Layers & Services Configuration

This configuration file presents the layers and services that compose the Smart Surveillance example. The Flink Cluster (single node, quantity: 1) is composed of one Job Manager and one Task Manager. The Kafka Cluster (single node, quantity: 1) consists of a Zookeeper server and a Kafka Broker. Lastly, we have gateways (4 nodes: quantity: 1 and repeat: 3) and the data producers (two nodes, quantity: 1 and repeat: 7). Note that all services will be monitored roles: [monitoring] during the execution of experiments if you defined a monitoring service monitoring: type: dstat.

 2  job_name: cctv-example
 3  walltime: "01:30:00"
 4  g5k:
 5    job_type: ["deploy"]
 6    env_name: "debian10-x64-big"
 7    cluster: parasilo
 9  type: dstat
11- name: cloud
12  services:
13  - name: Flink
14    quantity: 1
15    roles: [monitoring]
16    env:
17      FLINK_PROPERTIES: "jobmanager.heap.size: 8000m\n
18                         parallelism.default: 16\n
19                         taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 32\n
20                         taskmanager.heap.size: 7000m\n
21                -Djava.library.path=/opt/flink/lib/"
22  - name: Kafka
23    quantity: 1
24    roles: [monitoring]
25    env:
27      KAFKA_BATCH_SIZE: '200000'
28      KAFKA_LINGER_MS: '50'
29- name: fog
30  services:
31  - name: Mosquitto
32    quantity: 1
33    roles: [monitoring]
34    repeat: 3
35- name: edge
36  services:
37  - name: Producer
38    quantity: 1
39    roles: [monitoring]
40    repeat: 7
41- name: experiment_manager
42  services:
43  - name: Metrics_collector
44    quantity: 1

Network Configuration

The file below presents the network configuration between the cloud, fog, and edge infrastructures. Between cloud and fog we have the following configuration delay: 5ms, loss: 2%, rate: 1gbit, while between the edge and fog we are emulating a 4G LTE network delay: 50ms, loss: 5%, rate: 150gbit.

 2- src: cloud
 3  dst: fog
 4  delay: "5ms"
 5  rate: "1gbit"
 6  loss: "2%"
 7- src: fog
 8  dst: edge
 9  delay: "50ms"
10  rate: "150mbit"
11  loss: "5%"

Workflow Configuration

This configuration file presents the application workflow configuration. It will be explained in the following order prepare, launch, and finalize.


  • Regarding Kafka cloud.kafka.*.leader, we are creating two topics in-uni-data and out-uni-data with 32 partitions.

  • Regarding Flink Job Manager cloud.flink.*.job_manager, we are copying from the local machine to the remote machine the Flink Job.

  • Regarding gateways fog.mosquitto.*, we are copying its libraries.

  • Regarding producers edge.producer.*, we are copying the producer java application and its libraries.

  • Regarding metrics collector experiment_manager.metrics_collector.*, we are copying its libraries.


  • Regarding Flink Job Manager cloud.flink.*.job_manager, we are copying it to the container and submitting the Flink Job.

  • Regarding gateways fog.mosquitto.*, we are starting the java application.

  • Regarding producers edge.producer.*, we are starting 40 java processes per node. We used the depends_on attribute to interconnect the 320 producers with the 4 gateways in round robin grouping: "round_robin". This configuration may be seen in the shell command, where we used the prefix mosquitto prefix: "mosquitto" to access the URL of gateways {{ mosquitto.url }}.

  • Regarding metrics collector experiment_manager.metrics_collector.*, we are starting the java application to collect some metrics.


  • Regarding Kafka cloud.kafka.*.leader, we are stopping and removing Kafka and Zookeeper docker containers.

  • Regarding Flink Job Manager cloud.flink.*.job_manager, we are stopping and removing the Task Manager container.

  • Regarding gateways fog.mosquitto.*, we are collecting the metrics of all 4 gateways, such as their latency and throughput.

  • Regarding producers edge.producer.*, we are collecting the metrics of all 320 producers, such as their throughput.

  • Regarding metrics collector experiment_manager.metrics_collector.*, we are collecting the end-to-end processing latency.

  1# KAFKA
  2- hosts: cloud.kafka.*.leader
  3  depends_on:
  4    service_selector: "cloud.kafka.*.zookeeper"
  5    grouping: "round_robin"
  6    prefix: "zookeeper"
  7  prepare:
  8    - debug:
  9        msg: "Creating my Kafka topics"
 10    - shell: "sudo docker exec leader /usr/bin/kafka-topics --create --partitions 32 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper {{ zookeeper.url }} --topic in-uni-data"
 11    - shell: "sudo docker exec leader /usr/bin/kafka-topics --create --partitions 32 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper {{ zookeeper.url }} --topic out-uni-data"
 12  finalize:
 13    - debug:
 14        msg: "Stopping Kafka and Zookeeper"
 15    - shell: "sudo docker container stop leader && sudo docker container rm leader"
 16    - shell: "sudo docker container stop zookeeper && sudo docker container rm zookeeper"
 17# FLINK
 18- hosts: cloud.flink.*.job_manager
 19  depends_on:
 20    service_selector: "cloud.kafka.*.leader"
 21    grouping: "round_robin"
 22    prefix: "kafka"
 23  prepare:
 24    - debug:
 25        msg: "Copying my Flink job dependencies"
 26    - copy:
 27        src: "{{ working_dir }}/university-people-count-flink-partial-on-cloud-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
 28        dest: "/opt/university-people-count-flink-partial-on-cloud-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"
 29    - copy:
 30        src: "{{ working_dir }}/libs/"
 31        dest: "/opt/lib/"
 32    - copy:
 33        src: "{{ working_dir }}/libs-opencv/"
 34        dest: "/opt/lib/"
 35  launch:
 36    - debug:
 37        msg: "Starting my Flink job"
 38    - shell: "sudo docker cp /opt/university-people-count-flink-partial-on-cloud-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar {{ self_container }}:/opt/ &&
 39              sudo docker cp /opt/lib/ task_manager:/opt/flink/"
 40    - shell: "sudo docker exec {{ self_container }} flink run -d -q /opt/university-people-count-flink-partial-on-cloud-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
 41                32 {{ kafka.url }} in-uni-data out-uni-data {{ kafka.url }} 20"
 42  finalize:
 43    - debug:
 44        msg: "Stopping Flink"
 45    - shell: "sudo docker container stop task_manager && sudo docker container rm task_manager"
 47- hosts: fog.mosquitto.*
 48  depends_on:
 49    - service_selector: "fog.mosquitto.*"
 50      grouping: "address_match"
 51      prefix: "mosquitto"
 52    - service_selector: "cloud.kafka.*.leader"
 53      grouping: "round_robin"
 54      prefix: "kafka"
 55  prepare:
 56    - debug:
 57        msg: "Copying my active gateways libs (Mosquitto + Edgent) from: {{ working_dir }}"
 58    - copy:
 59        src: "{{ working_dir }}/libs/"
 60        dest: "/opt/lib/"
 61    - copy:
 62        src: "{{ working_dir }}/libs-opencv/"
 63        dest: "/opt/lib/"
 64  launch:
 65    - debug:
 66        msg: "Starting my active gateways (Mosquitto + Edgent)"
 67    - shell: "java -Djava.library.path=/opt/lib/ -cp /opt/lib/*:/opt/lib university_people_count.university_people_count_fog_to_cloud.UniversityPeopleCountActiveMosquittoToKafka
 68              tcp://{{ mosquitto.url }} in-uni-data 0 tcp://{{ kafka.url }} in-uni-data 0 10 100 /tmp/mosquitto /opt/metrics 2>&1 | tee -a /opt/cctv-ag.log"
 69      async: 260
 70      poll: 0
 71  finalize:
 72    - debug:
 73        msg: "Backup gateways metrics to {{ working_dir }} + /experiment-results/gateways/"
 74    - fetch:
 75        src: "/opt/metrics/latency"
 76        dest: "{{ working_dir }}/experiment-results/gateways/"
 77        validate_checksum: no
 78    - fetch:
 79        src: "/opt/metrics/throughput"
 80        dest: "{{ working_dir }}/experiment-results/gateways/"
 81        validate_checksum: no
 83- hosts: edge.producer.*
 84  depends_on:
 85    service_selector: "fog.mosquitto.*"
 86    grouping: "round_robin"
 87    prefix: "mosquitto"
 88  prepare:
 89    - debug:
 90        msg: "Copying producer libs"
 91    - copy:
 92        src: "{{ working_dir }}/libs/"
 93        dest: "/opt/lib/"
 94    - copy:
 95        src: "{{ working_dir }}/dataset/"
 96        dest: "/opt/dataset/"
 97  launch:
 98    - debug:
 99        msg: "Starting producers and connecting them with gateways (round robin)"
100    - shell: "java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -cp /opt/lib/*:/opt/lib university_people_count.university_people_count_data_source.UniversityPeopleCountDataSourceToMosquitto
101              /opt/dataset/data-{{ item }} 10 {{ item }} tcp://{{ mosquitto.url }} in-uni-data /tmp/mosquitto 220 0 /opt/metrics-{{ item }}
102              2>&1 | tee -a /opt/cctv-producer-{{ item }}.log"
103      async: 220
104      poll: 0
105      loop: "{{ range(1, 41)|list }}"
106  finalize:
107    - debug:
108        msg: "Backup producers metrics"
109    - fetch:
110        src: "/opt/metrics-{{ item }}/throughput"
111        dest: "{{ working_dir }}/experiment-results/producers/"
112        validate_checksum: no
113      loop: "{{ range(1, 41)|list }}"
115- hosts: experiment_manager.metrics_collector.*
116  depends_on:
117    service_selector: "cloud.kafka.*.leader"
118    grouping: "round_robin"
119    prefix: "kafka"
120  prepare:
121    - debug:
122        msg: "Copying application to collect the experiment metrics"
123    - copy:
124        src: "{{ working_dir }}/libs/"
125        dest: "/opt/lib/"
126  launch:
127    - debug:
128        msg: "Starting my application to collect the experiment metrics"
129    - shell: "sleep 20 && java -cp /opt/lib/*:/opt/lib university_people_count.university_people_count_sink.UniversityPeopleCountCloudInSink {{ kafka.url }}
130              in-uni-data 0 /opt/metrics/in-sink 2>&1 | tee -a /opt/cctv-sink-input-cloud.log"
131      async: 230
132      poll: 0
133    - shell: "sleep 20 && java -cp /opt/lib/*:/opt/lib university_people_count.university_people_count_sink.UniversityPeopleCountOutSink {{ kafka.url }}
134              out-uni-data 0 /opt/metrics/out-sink 2>&1 | tee -a /opt/cctv-sink-output.log"
135      async: 230
136      poll: 0
137  finalize:
138    - debug:
139        msg: "Backup sinks metrics"
140    - fetch:
141        src: "/opt/metrics/in-sink/latency"
142        dest: "{{ working_dir }}/experiment-results/sinks/in-sink/"
143        validate_checksum: no
144    - fetch:
145        src: "/opt/metrics/out-sink/latency"
146        dest: "{{ working_dir }}/experiment-results/sinks/out-sink/"
147        validate_checksum: no

Running & Verifying Experiment Execution

Find below the commands to deploy this application and check its execution. Once deployed, you can check in the Flink WebUI the configurations that we have defined in the layers-services.yaml and workflow.yaml configuration files, such as the number of Task Managers, total task slots, Job Manager and Task manager heap size, job parallelism, etc. (see Figure 2: Flink WebUI, Figure 3: Flink configurations, and Figure 4: Flink Job). Besides, you can also check the data sent to Mosquitto in-uni-data topic and Kafka in-uni-data and out-uni-data topics. For producers and metrics collector you can check the java processes running on it.

  • Running multiple experiments: in this example we are running two experiments --repeat 1, each one with a duration of four minutes --duration 240.

# G5K frontend
$ ssh
$ tmux
$ cd git/e2clab/

# G5K interactive usage
$ oarsub -p "cluster='parasilo'" -l host=1,walltime=2 -I

# As soon as the host becomes available, you can run your experiments
$ source ../venv/bin/activate
$ e2clab deploy --repeat 1 --duration 240
  • Verifying experiment execution.

# Discover hosts in layers_services-validate.yaml file
$ cat layers_services-validate.yaml

# Tunnel to Flink Job Manager
$ ssh -NL 8081:localhost:8081

# Kafka Cluster
$ ssh

# Kafka input topic
$ sudo docker exec -it leader /usr/bin/kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic in-uni-data

# Kafka output topic
$ sudo docker exec -it leader /usr/bin/kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic out-uni-data

# Gateway input topic
$ ssh
$ sudo docker exec -it mosquitto mosquitto_sub -t "in-uni-data"

# Producer
$ ssh
$ ps -C java | wc -l
$ ps -xau | grep java
java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -cp /opt/lib/*:/opt/lib university_people_count.university_people_count_data_source.UniversityPeopleCountDataSourceToMosquitto /opt/dataset/data-1 10 1 tcp:// in-uni-data /tmp/mosquitto 220 0 /opt/metrics-1
java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -cp /opt/lib/*:/opt/lib university_people_count.university_people_count_data_source.UniversityPeopleCountDataSourceToMosquitto /opt/dataset/data-40 10 40 tcp:// in-uni-data /tmp/mosquitto 220 0 /opt/metrics-40

# Metrics Collector
$ ssh
$ ps -xau | grep java
java -cp /opt/lib/*:/opt/lib university_people_count.university_people_count_sink.UniversityPeopleCountCloudInSink in-uni-data 0 /opt/metrics/in-sink
java -cp /opt/lib/*:/opt/lib university_people_count.university_people_count_sink.UniversityPeopleCountOutSink out-uni-data 0 /opt/metrics/out-sink
  • In Figure 2: Flink WebUI you can check: the single Task Manager configured with 32 task slots taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 32.


Figure 2: Flink WebUI

  • In Figure 3: Flink configurations you can check: -Djava.library.path=/opt/flink/lib/, jobmanager.heap.size: 8000m, taskmanager.heap.size: 7000m, and parallelism.default: 16.


Figure 3: Flink configurations


Figure 4: Flink Job

Deployment Validation & Experiment Results

Find below the files generated after the execution of each experiment. It consists of validation files layers_services-validate.yaml, network-validate/, and workflow-validate.out, monitoring data dstat/, and experiment-results/ (files generated by producers producers/, gateways gateways/, and metrics collector sinks/). Note that, for each experiment a new directory is generated 20200614-155815/.

$ ls /home/drosendo/git/cluster-2020-artifacts/getting_started/20200614-155815/
dstat/                          # Monitoring data for each physical machine
layers_services-validate.yaml   # Mapping between layers and services with physical machines
network-validate/               # Network configuration for each physical machine
workflow-validate.out           # Commands used to deploy application (prepare, launch, and finalize)
experiment-results/             # Defined in workflow file
    gateways/                        # latency and throughput of all gateways (4 in this example)
    producers/                       # throughput of all producers (320 in this example)
    sinks/                           # latency: fog-to-cloud and end-to-end


Providing a systematic methodology to define the experimental environment and providing access to the methodology artifacts (layers_services.yaml, network.yaml, and workflow.yaml) leverages the experiment Repeatability, Replicability, and Reproducibility, see ACM Digital Library Terminology.