************************************* User-Defined Services (relationships) ************************************* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: In distributed infrastructures, the various services that compose the application workflow may need to communicate with each other to exchange data and execute tasks. Therefore, to interconnect such services and define their relationships, E2Clab provides the idea of ``depends_on`` and various ``Grouping`` strategies. depends_on ========== The structure of ``depends_on`` is as follows: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: # refer to the services that need information from other services depends_on: - service_selector: # refers to the other services grouping: # refers to the strategy used to interconnect services prefix: # refers to the prefix used to access information from other services Users may use ``depends_on`` to access **information from another service**. In the example below, using the ``prefix`` named ``myservice_master`` all workers ``cloud.myservice.1.worker.*`` can access the extra information from the master ``cloud.myservice.1.master.1``, such as the IPv4 address ``__address4__``. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: cloud.myservice.1.worker.* depends_on: - service_selector: "cloud.myservice.1.master.1" grouping: "round_robin" prefix: "myservice_master" launch: - shell: docker run --name {{ _self.container_name }} IMAGE --master {{ myservice_master.__address4__ }} Accessing **information from several services** may be done as follows: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: cloud.myservice.1.worker.* depends_on: - service_selector: "cloud.myservice.1.master.1" grouping: "round_robin" prefix: "myservice_master" - service_selector: "edge.anotherservice.*" grouping: "round_robin" prefix: "anotherservice" launch: - shell: docker run --name {{ _self.container_name }} IMAGE --master-ip {{ myservice_master.__address4__ }} --device {{ anotherservice.__url6__ }} Note that, in the example above **each worker of MyService** ``cloud.myservice.1.worker.*`` is accessing the URL (ip:port) ``{{ anotherservice.__url6__ }}`` of **another service** ``edge.anotherservice.*`` in ``round_robin`` strategy. Meaning that, the **1st worker** has the URL of the **1st host** in the ``anotherservice`` service; the **2nd worker** the URL of the **2nd host** in ``anotherservice``, and so on. Therefore, workers of ``MyService`` connect to hosts in ``anotherservice`` in a **round robin fashion**. Grouping ======== There are **3 grouping strategies** provided by E2Clab, they are: - RoundRobin - Asarray - Aggregate .. note:: Users may extend the ``/e2clab/e2clab/grouping/__init__.py`` file to implement their own grouping strategy (in case the existing ones do not fit their needs). Next, we explain each grouping strategy. RoundRobin ---------- Groups Services in round-robin. For instance, considering that: - we have 2 Cloud servers and 4 Edge devices; and - Edge devices depend on metadata from the Cloud servers: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: edge.* depends_on: - service_selector: cloud.* grouping: "round_robin" prefix: server **Edge devices 1 and 3** will have access to metadata from ``cloud server 1``. **Edge device 2 and 4** will have access to metadata from ``cloud server 2``. It allows the following in the ``workflow.yaml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: edge.* depends_on: ... prepare: - shell: command... {{ server.__address__ }} This will be translated to: .. code-block:: text [edge device 1]: --> command... [edge device 2]: --> command... Asarray ------- Groups Services ``id``. For instance, considering that: - we have 2 Cloud servers and 4 Edge devices; and - Edge devices depend on metadata from the Cloud servers: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: edge.* depends_on: - service_selector: cloud.* grouping: "asarray" prefix: server **All edge devices** will have access to the ``id`` of **all cloud servers**. It allows the following in the ``workflow.yaml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: edge.* depends_on: ... prepare: - shell: command... {{ server }} - shell: command... {{ server[0] }} {{ server[1] }} This will be translated to: .. code-block:: text [all devices]: --> command... ['111', '112'] --> command... 111 112 Aggregate --------- Aggregates metadata from various Services. For instance, considering that we have: - 2 Cloud servers (1 SERVICE named ``horovod``) and - 4 Edge devices (4 SERVICES named ``a``, ``b``, ``c``, ``d``); CASE 1: Aggregates metadata from a SINGLE Service (metadata from all machines that compose this Service) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edge devices depend on metadata from the Cloud servers (the ``horovod`` service): .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: edge.* depends_on: - service_selector: cloud.horovod.* grouping: "aggregate" prefix: horovod **All edge devices** will have access to the metadata from **all cloud servers** in ``horovod`` service. It allows the following in the ``workflow.yaml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: edge.* depends_on: ... prepare: - shell: command... {{ horovod1_1.url }} {{ horovod1_2.url }} This will be translated to: .. code-block:: text [all devices]: --> command... .. note:: In ``horovod1_1``, ``1_1`` is the last part of the Service ID. The Service ID is defined as ``LayerID_ServiceID_MachineID``. For instance: - ``horovod1_1`` --> ``1_1`` means ``ServiceID_MachineID``: machine 1 of service 1. - ``horovod1_2`` --> ``1_2`` means ``ServiceID_MachineID``: machine 2 of service 1. CASE 2: Aggregates metadata from VARIOUS Services (metadata from all machines that compose each Service) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the services in the cloud depends on metadata from the Edge devices. Each device is placed in a different service (named ``a``, ``b``, ``c``, ``d``). .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: cloud.* depends_on: - service_selector: edge.* grouping: "aggregate" prefix: client **All cloud services** will have access to the metadata from **all edge servers** in ``a``, ``b``, ``c``, ``d`` services. It allows the following in the ``workflow.yaml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: - hosts: edge.* depends_on: ... prepare: - shell: command... {{ client1_1.url }} {{ client2_1.url }} {{ client3_1.url }} {{ client4_1.url }} This will be translated to: .. code-block:: text [all cloud services]: --> command... .. note:: In ``client1_1``, ``1_1`` is the last part of the Service ID. The Service ID is defined as ``LayerID_ServiceID_MachineID``. For instance: - ``client1_1`` --> ``1_1`` means ``ServiceID_MachineID``: machine 1 of service ``a``. - ``client4_1`` --> ``4_1`` means ``ServiceID_MachineID``: machine 1 of service ``d``.