********* Grid'5000 ********* .. contents:: :depth: 2 Setting up Grid'5000 platform ============================= SSH External access ------------------- Add the public ssh key (your workstation: ``~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub``) to your `Grid'5000 account `_. In order to allow you to ssh from your workstation to a G5K frontend (e.g., ssh rennes.grid5000.fr), configure ``~/.ssh/config`` (in your workstation) as follows: .. code-block:: bash Host !access.grid5000.fr *.grid5000.fr User ProxyJump @access.grid5000.fr StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null ForwardAgent yes Host access.grid5000.fr User StrictHostKeyChecking no UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null ForwardAgent yes .. note:: Replace ```` by your G5K login. Try to access a G5K frontend: .. code-block:: bash # from your workstation $ ssh rennes.grid5000.fr REST API ======== When accessing the API from outside of Grid’5000 (e.g. your workstation), you need to specify the following configuration file: .. code-block:: bash echo ' username: MYLOGIN password: MYPASSWORD ' > ~/.python-grid5000.yaml chmod 600 ~/.python-grid5000.yaml **When accessing the API from a Grid’5000 frontend**: - Providing the ``username`` and ``password`` is optional; - Nevertheless you’ll need to deal with SSL verification by specifying the path to the certificate to use: .. code-block:: bash echo ' verify_ssl: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ' > ~/.python-grid5000.yaml